Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Nativity Clark Style

Like many families we have a tradition of reading and acting out the story of the nativity. This year we had most all of the parts covered, since we had so many here. Enjoy the style and flair of this group... Cseasar Sean; Angels Grandpa & Grandma Schenk and Brooklyn; Joseph, Mary & baby - Matt, Kate, & Kendyl (Averi was asleep); The wise Nic, Tanner, & Dani; Shepherds Ryan & Ashley with wooly sheep Camryn; Narrator Papa; Photographer Nana; and Director? Steff!


Matt & Katie said...

Christmas was SO fabulous! Thank you so much for such an amazing time! I have looked at my pictures a million times and I still wish we were all there!

aclark said...

That's a good looking Nativity cast!!