I can't think of anything better than a visit from family! Last Thursday I was so surprised when Ashley and Hudson appeared for a visit! We had four, full, fun-filled days of time spent together!
I enjoyed visiting with Ashley, cooking and eating delicious food, working out at the gym together, watching movies, shopping for Christmas ideas, and catching up. She cut my hair. She decided I needed to activate my facebook account - and so she did. I love and value her 'style' advice for me. She picks out the best clothes! It is just so nice to have adult daughters in my life!

I spent as much time as I could holding Hudson (he is not very cuddly); he would much rather be moving around. His feet never stop kicking! Hudson and I played with Elmo and with the noisy phone. We practiced fitting shapes into the spaces. We read books. We played the piano. We sang and danced. I fed him bottles, changed his diapers, and put him to sleep. He is a good baby. He is always so happy. His smiles come very easily. I'm afraid that we threw him off of his terrific sleeping schedule, but we tried really hard not to. Actually, I think his airplane flight the first day took care of that. No one on the plane let him have his nap - they just played with him and let him entertain them. I am sorry that the plane rides are so long and that there are no direct flights. It is not an easy task getting to Columbus from Salt Lake City.
It would have been terrific if they could have stayed longer. However, I will take any moments I can get. I appreciate that Ryan is supportive of them coming to spend time with us. Our next visits will be here before we know it. We will see everybody at Christmas time!!!