Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is for the missing parents!

Nic and Steff left for Hawaii yesterday, and the nana is in charge!

1 comment:

Jill Schenk said...

Melanie, I'm so proud of you. This a.m. I got on to Steff's blog and from there to Matt and Kate. And from there to yours. I don't know how to do any of this, and when I make comments, I don't know how to send them. Anyway this is the way it's been in the past. We'll see if this goes. So fun to see everyone's fantastic pics and read the fun things the Moms write about their little dollies. Heather has always been so fun. I didn't know they'd been to Nauvoo. How spoiled can some kids be!!!!! Have a great day. XOXO