Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Benefit

I just finished making cookies to take to our young adult activity tonight. As I finished mixing the dough, I thought to myself, "Man, I don't need to share this beater with anyone!" Ah hah, ONE BENEFIT!

I do on the other hand, realize the disadvantage to this... eating all this cookie dough by myself. I will have to work harder at walleyball tonight!


aclark said...

I imagine you to have a giant piece of cookie dough in your mouth as you typed this! I'm jealous, maybe I'll go make me some.

Melanie said...

Wish I could just share some with you! I'll keep some dough in the freezer for when you get here! Then we can sit and enjoy it together.

Unknown said...

Is Ashley going to Ohio soon?! I'm jealous. I haven't been there in 2 years :(. Cookie dough sounds tasty! I'm ok sharing beaters, because then I just eat it by the spoonful from the bowl :).