All of my sisters - Karla, Sheri, Karen, Leslie, Colleen, Laurie, Yvett, plus Logan & Lora.

Mom - busy at the kitchen sink!

Crafting away - Britany, Laurie, Shawnie, Angie, Karen, Leslie, and Karen.

Angie assists Laurie with her masterpiece vegetable basket - sweet potato, kholrabi, and turnip flowers.... amazing! Too pretty to eat, but too yummy not to.

Front row: Nichole, Beckah, Britany, and Angie.
Middle row: Steff, Heather, Ashley, Melanie, JeNeal, Karen, Sheri, Laurie, and Shawnie.
Back row: Karla, Yvett, Leslie, and Colleen.

The ladies with child! Lora and daughter, Steff and son, Ashley and son. Lora is due March 31, Steff is due May 25, and Ashley is due April 12!

Shawnie, the good sport, during a stupid baby shower game.

The silky, fabulous blankets that Great-Grandma Schenk quilted.

Cute swimming trunks for Hudson!
I got to fit in a trip to Utah to celebrate my mother's birthday and enjoy a baby shower for Lora, Ashley, and Steff! Of course, I spent the bulk of my time with Nic, Steff, and girlies - which is always so much fun!Karla invited all of us girls to her home in Logan, Utah, for our 'girls get-together'. She has such a beautiful home with plenty of room. I appreciate her letting us be there and getting everything all organized for us!
As far as the birthday party went, I'm afraid that we didn't do much celebrating for mom's birthday, but really she didn't want a fuss made over her anyway. She did bake a cake for us all to enjoy??! I'm not sure how we let that happen. She just loves to have everyone together. I can't think of much that I love more than spending time with my mom and my sisters. We were all there: Mom (JeNeal), Karla, Laurie, Leslie, Sheri, Karen, Yvett, Colleen, and me. Then we had most of our 'out-of-high-school' (because that is the requirement!) daughters there: Lora, Shawnie, Britany, Angie, Heather, Nichole, Beckah, Ashley, and Steff (for a little while). We missed Jenn and Katie! Hopefully they can come next time!
We spent time just visiting, eating fabulous food, watching movies, Zumba-ing, Sewing/making fun 'Anthropology-inspired' flowers and necklaces, visiting, eating fabulous food, playing baby shower games, and opening baby shower presents. LOTS OF FUN!
Steff brought Brooklyn, Camryn, and Kendyl as well as her mother to be part of the baby shower. Grandma Clark, Pam, Patti, Tonya, Lilly, and Jessica came. Lora's mother also was there.
IT WAS A GOOD TIME!!! Thanks everyone!