Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sean's Feeling Good! FBLA Convention

(If you double click on the picture it should maximize it.)

Sean was coaxed and coaxed by the WMHS Future Business Leaders of America club presidency (and by his mother) to compete at the State FBLA Conference in the talent portion. He finally agreed and here is his performance. He wasn't very happy that his voice kept cracking. I thought that he overcame it pretty well, though. I am sure that he learned that if he wants to sing a song with this range at 9 a.m. he probably will have to try to warm his voice up better. He still was phenominal. And he placed second. Lots of his friends as well as his dad, who got to attend, thought he sang equally as well as the first place finisher - or better. THANKS, SEAN!


aclark said...

Way to go Sean! I'm so impressed with a.) the talent that you have and b.)that you'll actually get up in front of people and sing! I'm so proud of you!

Briggs Brats said...

That was awesome! It sounded great! and I've actually watch Buble Live! so thats saying something :)