Thursday, March 17, 2011

Journaling Sean's statement

Last night I was up late -- 1 am -- with Sean. He was doing homework (and I just hate to go to bed before he does -- especially since he gets up much earlier than I do every morning for Seminary). He has really had lots of homework this entire Senior year. He still maintains his 4.0, is ranked #1 in his class, and is sitting for several AP tests in May. He is very dedicated. Lots of things come easy to him, but if they don't, he isn't afraid to put in the time and hard work to learn what he needs to.
This incident happened on Wednesday. After school he had track practice, an AP Government study group, he stopped on his way home from school (as he does every day) to clean the laundromat, he gulped down some dinner and headed to young men.
Anyway... as to the statement.
I had just said that I hated that he was up so late studying yet again. And he said to me,
"Mom, I am not willing to sacrifice doing the things that I want to do and am involved in. I am not willing to sacrifice taking the classes that I want to take. And I am not willing to sacrifice getting the grades that I want and expect to get. The thing that I am willing to sacrifice is a little sleep. I'll be just fine!"


Briggs Brats said...

Remarkable! Such a very old soul he is indeed. I want my son's to have the same ambition, and dedication! He will accomplish many things in life! I am sure.

aclark said...

Well isn't he quite the model child...just kidding I know he is. Much more drive and self discipline than his older sister.

Melanie said...

Not true. He had great examples in his older siblings!