Sunday, April 3, 2011

Averi's Sleep Over!

She slept so peacefully. Probably the only time that she was still! She is such a mover!

We don't do this often enough... hardly ever, but it has to start being a weekly occurance because she will be moving soon. Can't stand to even think about her being so far away!
Averi is such a little doll. When I went to pick her up on Friday, she was so excited to come! She just seems happy to get buckled in her car seat and wave good-bye to her parents! We talked all the way home and listened to the 'princess music' (actually it was my WICKED CD)! She loves those princesses too!
She ate fabulously, made papa take her outside - which is where she would like to live! Then we went and watched Sean's Musical Revue. We kept her out past her bedtime, which might not have been a great thing to do, however, she loved every second of it. She didn't even need toys or books to keep her happy. She was completely satisfied to sit on my lap and just watch and listen to the show. She was perfect! She became a little concerned when Sean left the stage, but she was extremely excited when he came back on. And she even spotted 'princesses' on the stage to be happy listening to. Everyone around us thought she was amazing... sitting so still... being so quiet... seeming so entertained! She went to bed very easily and sleep came quickly!
Saturday morning we just played and played - Go Fish, Princesses, Dollies, Coloring, Karaoking, Hide 'n Seek. In between all of that she ate lots of food (well, lots for her!) and she took a nap!
I think her parents could have left her for one more day. But I won't complain. I'll just go get her again, and it won't be soon enough!


Matt & Katie said...

that is the sweetest pic ever! She is SO ADORABLE! Thanks again so much for everything! We enjoy our date nights but I know Averi enjoys her sleepovers 100 times more. She loves her Nana & Papa & we appreciate the time she gets to spend with you! She couldn't be any luckier. Neither could we!

aclark said...

I love this picture of Averi! I bet she LOVES going to stay at Nana and Papa's, you guys better move out here so Hudson can join in on the fun!